The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship
Online Library
A Photo Gallery of M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
![M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen](BMF_ORG A Photo Gallery of M_ R_ Bawa Muhaiyaddeen_files/bawa-anbu.jpg)
"Within your heart in a space no bigger than an atom, God has placed the 18,000 universes, good and evil, and the wisdom to differentiate between them. That is your farmland. If you plow that land deep with your wisdom and sow God's qualities and actions with the knowledge of the difference between good and evil, you will receive the wealth of your soul, the bountiful harvest of undiminishing grace."
The Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh
![M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen](BMF_ORG A Photo Gallery of M_ R_ Bawa Muhaiyaddeen_files/bawa-looking.jpg)
"What we are slaves to will prevent us from praying to God. If we are slaves to all the thoughts we think, if we are slaves to everything our eyes see, if we are slaves to all the music our ears hear, if we are slaves to everything the nose smells and the tongue tastes, if we are slaves to everything the body wants, then how can we ever reach a state of peace? We can never know peace or tranquility this way. We have to escape from this slavery and become a slave only to God."
Questions of Life-Answers of Wisdom Vol.1
"Always use positive words, and never use negative or evil words.
Cultivate good thoughts, not bad thoughts. Make sure your intentions are
constructive intentions. Never be jealous; be grateful. Be tolerant, peaceful,
and honest instead of vengeful. Always be compassionate, never proud and
arrogant. Praise God, because God is the Deserving One. You need these in your
life. If you can teach yourself to follow these suggestions, you will have a
very good life."
God's Psychology (unpublished to date)
![M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen](BMF_ORG A Photo Gallery of M_ R_ Bawa Muhaiyaddeen_files/bawa-reading.jpg)
"You must place your faith in the one indestructible, imperishable God. To do this, you must stop depending on the kings, forces, and armies within you. When you give up all this and stand defenseless and alone, saying, O God, it is all Your will! The sheikh will stand by your side. It is only when you surrender to Allah that the sheikh, who is the explaining wisdom of the Qutbiyyat which guides you on the path of God, will come to stand by your side. 'Son' he will say, 'Now you are ready. Come, let us go'."
The Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh
![M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen](BMF_ORG A Photo Gallery of M_ R_ Bawa Muhaiyaddeen_files/bawa-photo2.jpg)
"This is the only path on which we can proceed with ease. It is the path to the freedom of our soul. Therefore, may we protect ourselves and give love to others. May we protect others as we would protect ourselves, love our neighbors as ourselves, and make all mankind our relatives, our brothers and sisters. May we make everyone our loved ones and help them become those who trust in God. May we all go together on this path as the followers of God, as the representatives of God, as the children of the one Father."
To Die Before Death: The Sufi Way of Life
![M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen](BMF_ORG A Photo Gallery of M_ R_ Bawa Muhaiyaddeen_files/bawa-photo3.jpg)
"To all those who say they believe in God, please realize with faith that God hears every word you say. God hears your every thought. Realizing this, speak only what is truth and act only with God's qualities of love, compassion, justice, patience, and the realization that each life is as important as your own."
January 10, 1979